Venture Capital – Definition & Benefits of Venture Capital

Venture Capital – Definition & Benefits of Venture Capital
Venture Capital – Definition & Benefits of Venture Capital

VENTURE CAPITAL: Definition and Key Characteristics

What is Venture Capital?

Venture Capital, in simple terms, is investing in small expanding businesses with typically high growth potential.

What are the benefits of Venture Capital?

Scaling up a small business over a short amount of time can consume the business’ entire starting capital along with its net profits, if any. This challenge can pose a risk of bankruptcy to even some of the potentially most valuable businesses in their early stages. This is where Venture Capital comes in as a solution. In exchange for waiving a typically-large percentage of ownership in the business, the business owner receives a typically-large amount of capital to be used in growing the business and covering the expenses. The expenses that are associated with growing include hiring, better offices, marketing, advertising, improving services or ordering goods in large quantities, and offering discounts to retain loyal customers.

What are the Characteristics of Venture Capital?

The defining characteristics of Venture Capital are:

a) It is a form of private equity

Venture capital is an investment made into a company that is not publicly traded.

b) It is typically a high-risk-high-reward investment

Investing early on in a small business with big potential can have a high yield, but the risk of failure for small businesses is significantly higher compared to large, established businesses. In venture capital investments, it is typical that the invested business loses money for a certain period of time, burning through the invested amount while trying to scale up, before turning a net profit.

c) It is reserved for businesses in early stages

Venture capital by definition is to invest in a small business that has not reached its potential yet. The advantage of investing early on is that, due to the relatively low valuation of the business, the investor receives a larger share for the same investment amount than they would have received had they waited for the business to grow before investing.

In short, Venture Capital is a risky but rewarding investment opportunity for sophisticated investors who prefer such investments.

What is a Venture Capitalist?

The defining characteristics of a Venture Capitalist are:
1) A venture capitalist is a business professional who invests on behalf of a risk capital company. In other words, a venture capitalist invests other investors’ funds, as opposed to an angel investor who invests his own money on his own behalf.
2) A venture capitalist is a sophisticated investor who is well-versed in business and finance. Venture capitalists calculate the risks and typically mitigate them by diversifying their portfolio of small businesses.

Venture Capital is sometimes a necessity for business owners despite costing them typically a large control and ownership in the company.

Which Businesses are Suitable for Venture Capital?

The key characteristics of a small business that is suitable for Venture Capital is;

1) Profitable business model

Without the right business model, a business is doomed to fail regardless of how good its goods/services are and how much it can potentially grow its revenues.

2) High growth potential

In order for Venture Capital to be feasible, the business must have high growth potential so that it can actually use the capital injection to increase its revenues and return the investment to the investor as soon as possible.

3) Competent business owner/manager

A business owner/manager with the qualifications to competently run the business is a vital part of Venture Capital. Otherwise, the investor would have to hire qualified professionals in all top positions and the investment would be spent on management rather than other more important areas such as marketing, advertising, etc.

4) An urgency to grow it to a large scale over a short period of time

Venture Capital is reserved for businesses that require capital as part of a valid, realistic business strategy such as; pricing competitively in order to retain loyal customers, and growing as quickly as possible in order to control a larger share of the market than current and potential competitors.

5) Limited capital (or the lack thereof)

Venture Capital is needed only if the founder is in need of more capital. Therefore, subsidiaries of large businesses are not suitable for Venture Capital, as these large businesses typically do not prefer to part with large ownership in exchange for capital, since they can afford to fund the business without outside investors.

As conclusion, Venture Capital is a well-known investment type and is used by sophisticated investors to diversify their portfolios. However, due-diligence and realistic valuation are vital parts of investing in the form of Venture Capital.

Venture capital in turkish law is a very specific subject that requires specialized law practice. Turkish Venture Capital Lawyer Baris Erkan Celebi and his Venture Capital Law Firm in Turkey offer legal consultancy on all subjects related to venture capital in turkey.

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