Civil Litigation

HOW TO EVICT A TENANT IN TURKEY How Can an Apartment Owner Evict the Tenant According to Turkish Law?  Turkish civil law, similar to the laws in many other Continental European countries, places a strong emphasis on tenant rights. Recognizing that landlords often hold a...

Medical Malpractice Laws in Turkey: Botched Surgeries and Patient Rights Medical malpractice laws in Turkey provide guidelines for addressing instances of medical negligence. Medical malpractice laws are important for understanding the rights and options available to patients who have experienced harm due to medical errors,...

Lawsuits and Compensation in Turkish Law How is Unjustified Enrichment Defined in Turkish Law? Unjustified enrichment means that one party, through its assets or effort, increases another party’s assets (or decreases its debts) on an unjustified reason. This unjustified reason is usually a contract which...