Sexual Abuse of Children Under the Regulation of Turkish Penal Code

Sexual Abuse of Children Under the Regulation of Turkish Penal Code

In cases where the victim of a sexual assault is a child, the term sexual abuse is used instead of the term sexual assault. This crime is regulated especially by the law. 

What Is The Term Child?

From the phrase sexual abuse, it should be understood that any sexual behavior performed against children who have not completed the age of 15 or completed the age of 15 but have not developed the ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the verb. Only sexual behavior performed on the basis of algebra, threat, deception or any other reason affecting those children’s will is understood in order to be able to talk about sexual abuse against other children.

The Penalty

A person who has sexually abused a child is being punished by imprisonment from eight to fifteen years. If the victim has not completed the age of twelve, the punishment cannot be less than ten years in the case of abuse and five years in the case of molestation. If the perpetrator of a crime that remains at the level of molestation is a child, investigation, and prosecution depend on the complaint of the victim child’s parents or tutor.

If sexual abuse is carried out by inserting an organ or other object into the body, a prison sentence of not less than sixteen years is imposed. If the victim has not completed the age of twelve, the sentence cannot be less than eighteen years. If the victim child has reached the age of fifteen and has developed the ability to perceive, the insertion of organs or objects into the body must have been carried out without the consent of the minor.

Aggravating Circumstances

If the victim enters into a vegetative life or dies as a result of the crime, the perpetrator is sentenced to life imprisonment with aggravation.  

The penalty is increased by half If the perpetrator commits this crime with another person, or by taking advantage of the convenience provided by the environments in which people are obliged to coexist collectively, or against a person in a relationship of blood or in-laws, including the third degree, or by a stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, guardian, educator, caregiver, foster family or health care provider or persons who are responsible for protection of the childcare or supervision, or by abuse of influence provided by a public office or service relationship.

Under the Turkish Penal Code, the protection against sexual abuse of children, defined as individuals under 15 or those lacking the capacity to comprehend legal implications, is a critical legal provision. Perpetrators face imprisonment from 8 to 15 years, with more severe penalties for younger victims or instances involving insertion. In case of severe outcomes like the victim’s death, life imprisonment applies. Moreover, aggravating factors, such as co-offending or exploiting relationships, can lead to increased sentences. A reputable law firm in Antalya can assist in navigating these complex legal proceedings.


A leading law firm in Antalya provides expert legal support regarding Turkish Penal Code regulations on child sexual abuse. Legal provisions safeguard children, defining protection for those under 15 or lacking the capacity to comprehend legal consequences. Penalties vary based on the severity of the offense. Specialized in this area, an Antalya-based law firm can assist clients in navigating complex legal processes.