Crime of Indicent Acts Under the Regulation of Turkish Penal Code

Acts Under the Regulation of Turkish Penal Code
The Regulation Under The Law

In order to protect society’s sense of shame in the sexual sense, the crime of indecent acts is regulated in the Turkish Penal Code. A person who has publicly engaged in sexual intercourse or exhibitionism is punished with a prison sentence of six months to one year. This crime is called “public rape of decency and chastity” also. 

The Legal Value That Is Protected Wıth This Regulation

The legal value to be protected by this crime is the sense of shame and safety of the society. 

Difference and The Relationship  Between Similar Crimes With The Crime Of Indecent Acts

The crime of indecent acts is separated from the crime of disturbing the peace and tranquility of people which does not contains any sexual harassment , there is a violation of social rules that do not violate manners of the society. If indecent acts are aimed at a specific person, the crime of sexual harassment will ocur. 

The Actual Crime

Acts of public sexual intercourse and exhibitionism are sanctioned in the article 225 of TPC. This crime occurs when one of the specific movements is selected. Sexual intercourse is consensual sexual intercourse between two people. It does not matter if the sexual relationship in question is between different sexes or people of the same sex.

Exhibitionism is lewd behavior that contradicts morality and the rules of politeness aimed at the satisfaction of sexual desires.

The Perpetrator and The Victim

The perpetrator of this crime may be everybody else, a woman or a man.The victim for this crime is the society.

The Moral Element Of The Crime  

The crime in question is a crime that can be committed deliberately, which menas the perpatrator must know that he or she is comitting the crime and wanting to do it. For the commission of this crime, the perpetrator does not have to act with a specific purpose. 

The Prosecution And The Investigation Procedure

The crime in question is followed with a direct registration which means that there is no need for a complaint of the victim or anybody else fort his crime to be prosecuted and registered.


Antalya Attorney Baris Erkan Celebi and his Antalya Law Firm advise their clients in all subjects of The Crime of Indicent Acts Under the Regulation of Turkish Penal Code including but not limited to the carrier’s legal liability, its limits, the breaking of the limits, the carrier’s exoneration, freight insurance and reinsurance, contracts of carriage, charter agreements, a recap of the fixture, disputes arising from the bill of lading and other fields of Indicent Acts.

Whether you need legal advice, representation, or assistance with a legal matter, our law firm in Antalya is here to achieve the best possible results with a strong commitment to our clients.