Applying for Turkish Citizenship
There are multiple ways to applying for Turkish citizenship.
1) CBI Program
The most convenient and the most common way for applying for Turkish citizenship is through the Citizenship by Investment Program (Turkish CBI Program). The Turkish CBI Program is the most in-demand CBI program in the world right now. This mainly due to the fact that the applicant invests only in his/her own property and not makes a mandatory donation to the state. The investment limits are 400,000 USD and 500,000 USD, depending on the type of investment.
While there are several types of investment, the most common ones are buying a property for 250,000 USD, starting a company with 500,000 USD capital or depositing 500,000 USD in a Turkish bank. In all these cases, the investment cannot be withdrawn for at least 3 years.
2) Turkish Citizenship by Birth
A child born into a Turkish mother or to a father can obtain citizenship even after the birth.
3) Turkish Citizenship by Adoption
A child who is adopted by a Turkish citizen can obtain citizenship.
4) Turkish Citizenship by Marriage
A person who marries to a Turkish citizen and lives together in a family union continuously and committedly for 3 years may apply for Turkish citizenship.
5) General Way for Applying for Turkish Citizenship
Law-abiding adults who have been residing in Turkey continuously for the past 5 years, are mentally competent, have the intention to live in Turkey and are proving this by either working in Turkey, studying in Turkey or owning a property in Turkey, do not have an illness that is dangerous for the public health, speak sufficient Turkish and have sufficient salary and/or a job may apply for citizenship. This process may take up to a year and involves an interview in Turkish language.
Antalya Lawyer and Antalya Attorney Baris Erkan Celebi and his Antalya Law Firm handle Turkish citizenship applications.